In this article, you will get acquainted with the structure of your Onfleet organization and settings.
To view how to set up your organization's team members and drivers, please go to our Organization Setup article.
- Organization Settings
- Advanced Features
- Organization Logo
- Organization Name
- Organization Time Zone
- User Settings
- Resetting an Admin Password
Organization Settings
To view your organization's settings, click the gear icon in the bottom left of the dashboard to access settings.
From the "Organization" tab you can configure your organization's settings:
Under "User Settings" you can enable to disable the ability for you and your dispatchers to use keyboard shortcuts:
Advanced Features
Under the "Organization Settings" section you will also be able to view "Advanced Features" that are available for you to enable for your organization's users.
You can read more about these features here.
Organization Logo
To change your organization's logo, select the logo icon to insert a custom organization logo. The file format must be either JPEG or PNG, and the size must be smaller than 3MB.
If you send your recipients a tracking link, this is the logo that will be visible on the tracking link.
Organization Name
The "Organization Name" is used in communication with recipients, on the tracking page, and for internal purposes in Onfleet.
To update or change your organization name, change the text in the field and then select "Done" in the bottom right to save your changes.
Organization Country
This is the country your organization is based in; this option will also affect which time zone is available and will also affect the telephony restrictions on your organization.
Organization Time Zone
Your organization's time zone can be changed by selecting the correct timezone from the dropdown menu. Save the changes by clicking "Done" on the bottom right.
Show local times based on location
This option will allow you to view the tasks based on the timezone of their location. For example, if your dispatcher is based in California and they are dispatching tasks to a team in New York, then they will view the task completion times in the Eastern time zone.
User Settings
The "User Settings" section is where you can change your log-in email, administrator phone number, and administrator name.
Phone Number
This phone number is used if routing calls from recipients to dispatchers is preferred, some organizations opt to use a general customer service phone number in this section.
Resetting a Password
A password can be easily reset through the login screen. Simply start by opening the page
Here you will be prompted for your login credentials. Simply click Forgot at the bottom of this screen.
Enter the email address used to create the admin account for your organization. This email must be unique to your organization and cannot be used by any other Onfleet dashboard.
After you enter the unique admin email address, click Reset Password.
An email will be sent to the address provided in the previous step with the subject line "Reset Your Password". Be sure to check your spam folder. Click the Reset Password button within this email.
You will then be taken to a portal that will allow you to update the password associated with this admin account. Enter the new password and click Continue.
You will then be returned to the original login screen where you can enter the admin email address and the new password that you just reset.