Completed Tasks

In this article, you will learn how to access completed task information such as route details and timeline.   To view how to edit task status, force complete a task, and more you can read out Task Management article. 

This article covers:

View Task Details

Task details provide dispatchers with an overview of a task's recipient, assigned driver, destination, scheduled time, and details. The Timeline section is updated with task creation time, start, completion, arrival, departure, as well as any photos, barcodes, or signature collected, as the driver progresses.

As a dispatcher, you can view task details from the dashboard in the following ways:

  • Double-click on task

To view task details such as creation time, recipient name and phone number, destination details, and notes, simply double-click a task on either the sidebar or map. This will open the task modal with all details relevant to this task.


  • Double-click on task (post-completion)

Upon task completion, photos, signatures, contactless signatures, completion notes, task timeline, and feedback collected is instantly synced to the dashboard and will appear at the bottom of the task details modal. The 'View Route' option allows the dispatcher to review the route taken by the driver to complete the task. 

Note: Dispatchers can alternatively export tasks as a CSV file to view task details.

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Task Route

The completed task route shows the physical route taken by the driver, from the time that the driver starts the task to its completion. The dispatcher may review the timestamp for any point along the route, the task duration, and the total distance traveled by the driver.

To view the completed task route after a task has been completed, select the 'View Route' button at the bottom of the task modal. Drag the driver icon along the route to view details about the location and time. Red pins indicate tasks to start, departure, and arrival locations.


Note: As some location processing must be performed for this feature, it may take a few minutes before the 'View Route' button is available in the completed task modal.

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Tasks have timestamps for the following events in the task's Timeline section:

  • Task created: the time that this task was created
  • Task started: the time that the worker started this task
  • Task completed: the time that the worker marked this task complete
  • Task arrival: can either be the last time that a worker arrived within 150m of the task destination or when the worker has marked the task as “completed” 
  • Task Departure: can either be 60 seconds after the has started or the driver has traveled over 100m from the start task location
  • Driver departed: is either 60 seconds after the task has started, or when the driver has traveled 100m from the start task location (whichever comes first)
  • Driver arrived: is either the last time that a worker arrived within 150m of the task destination or if they never are within 150m of the task destination, it is the same as 'Task completed'
  • destinationLonLat: This is the destination location in Longitude and Latitude.
  • completionLonLat: This is the completion time location in Longitude and Latitude

As a task progresses toward completion, more timeline events will be populated.

Tasks may also have the following attachments:

  • Photo
  • Barcode
  • Signature (regular and contactless)

Note: attachments (if collected by the driver) aren't available until after the task has completed. There may be delayed availability for some attachments, depending on driver mobile bandwidth, reception, duty status, and/or Onfleet processing.

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