iOS Account Deletion Request

In this article, you will learn how to submit a deletion request for your Onfleet driver account.

This article covers:

Request an Account Deletion

 To begin, log into your Onfleet account using the iOS Onfleet app.  Once you have logged in select "Settings" and then scroll down to "Account Deletion".


Once you select "Delete Account" you will be prompted to provide the phone number you use to log into the Onfleet app and then click "Delete". 


After you click "Delete", an email prompt will appear that will be sent to the Onfleet support team to process your account deletion, select "Send" to complete the request. 


Once the Support team has processed your deletion request they will contact you with more information. 

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Account Deletion for Multiple Organizations

If you have a driver account with multiple Onfleet organizations, you can select the drop-down menu to select the organization you would like to be deleted from or select "Delete All".


If you select, "Delete All", you will receive an email prompt that includes all the driver IDs and Organization IDs that will be sent to the Onfleet support team to process your account deletion, select "Send" to complete the request. 

Once the Support team has processed your deletion request they will contact you with more information. 

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