Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

In this article, you will learn about the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), where estimates are shown, and how estimates are calculated.

Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is the estimated time a driver will physically arrive at a task's destination

This article will cover: 

Where are estimates shown?

The ETA's are shown in a variety of places. Here is where to find them:

For a driver’s active task in the dashboard map view sidebar (all plans).

In customer notifications when {ETA} is added (all plans).  


On the recipient tracking page for an active delivery (all plans).


For a driver’s future tasks when using Onfleet’s Predictive ETA advanced feature (Basic, Premium, and Professional plans)

  • In Predictive ETA customer notifications (Scale & Enterprise plans only).
  • On the recipient tracking page for an upcoming delivery when Predictive ETA notifications are used (Scale & Enterprise plans only).


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How Estimates are Calculated

Onfleet ETAs are calculated by combining data from Google's Distance Matrix API, data obtained from sensors on the driver's smartphone, and proprietary machine learning algorithms. 

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