In this article, you will learn how to enforce single sign-on across all users in your organization. Only organization administrators are able to enforce this feature, and your organization must first enable single sign-on.
To enforce single sign-on, first select the "Settings" icon located on the upper-right corner of your dashboard to open your organization settings. Under the "Organization" section in the "Settings" window, you will view the option to enforce single sign-on.
Once ‘Enforce SSO login’ is selected a warning pop-up message will display:
Once you select "Continue", you will be logged out and redirected to the login page. Additionally, all other users will be logged out and redirected to the login page, or on the next use of Onfleet, they will be directed to
Once Onfleet receives user credentials, we will validate if SSO is enforced for the user’s organization and if SSO is enforced, the user will be prevented from logging in with their email credentials. In this scenario, the following message will be displayed to users attempting to log in with their email and password:
Once the enforcement has been enabled, if your organization adds a new dashboard user an updated onboarding email will be received by the user, directing them to login with SSO to access Onfleet.