In this article, you will learn how to anonymize the communications between your drivers and recipients.
Anonymization protects the privacy of both parties (your drivers won't see your recipients' phone numbers and vice versa) and prevents further communication outside of an active task.
If you decide not to enable anonymization, voice and SMS communications between drivers and customers will not be routed through our telephony provider and will, therefore, display the actual contact number of either party.
Note: All trigger-based, automatic SMS notifications are inherently anonymous, as they must be dispatched to recipients via our telephony provider using either an Onfleet number or your custom organization number.
An organization's administrator can choose to anonymize all customers to driver communications. If this is selected, the phone numbers of all parties will be anonymized and communications will be limited to active tasks. Your organizations can choose whether the phone numbers of your drivers and recipients are anonymized during communications. This is done by routing calls and messages through our telephony provider, using an Onfleet phone number.
This article will cover:
Anonymize Communications
To anonymize communications, select the "Settings" icon on the upper right corner of the dashboard, then select the "Communications" category. Once there, select the "Anonymize Communication" option to enable this feature.
Unrouted SMS & Calls
If your organization is using the anonymization function then a proxy number will be used when the call is active to route calls between recipients and drivers.
The proxy number will only remain active while the driver is active on a task. If the recipient responds after the task is completed, Onfleet makes every attempt to determine the intended organization and sends an email with the details to the organization's email address. If however, your organization has a dedicated phone number, the recipient's communication after the task is completed will be routed to the administrator phone number as defined in your dashboard settings. Should the administrator phone number listed not accept SMS, the recipient communication will be routed as stated above.
If your organization selects the option to route calls and messages to 'Admin', then all communication from recipients will be routed to the company phone number.