Map Overlay

In this article, you will learn how to add a Map Overlay to your dashboard.

Your organization can enhance your dashboard map with lines and polygons by adding a custom map overlay. This is useful if you would like to visually represent a particular location like a warehouse or restaurant, or delineate a zone in which a particular team operates.

Currently, this is a primarily visual enhancement and does not change the behavior of tasks, drivers, or notifications, but it does allow for quick selection of all tasks in the same zone. This selection can then be used for assignments or route optimizations.

There is a 1 MB file size limit for any map overlay geojson file.


Simply follow these steps to create a map overlay (optional: with color):

1. Create Map Overlay

Create a GeoJSON map overlay with the tool of your choice; we recommend the free tool:


First, search for an area using the magnifying glass in the top right of the map.


Then, using the search and the drawing icons in the toolbar, place your points, lines, and polygons ("features") on the map.

2. [Optional] Add a Color to Properties

Within the JavaScript editor found in the builder, add a color to the properties like so: "color":"#AA81F3" (see example on the right in the screenshot below).


3. Download File

Once you are satisfied with your features, you can download the file to your computer by navigating to Save > GeoJSON from the menu in the top left corner of the screen.


4. Add Map Overlay to Onfleet Dashboard

Simply add this map overlay by opening the Organization tab within your Onfleet settings. Scroll to the bottom of that tab and select Add a Map Overlay... and select the GeoJSON file that was saved in Step 2. The overlay should be reflected within the dashboard immediately.


You should now see a map overlay with color within the dashboard map view. 


Select Tasks in Map Overlay

Within the sections of a Map Overlay, you can right-click your cursor to select tasks within the zone. This function allows users to view the total number of tasks within a zone, and easily select all tasks within a zone to use within a Route Optimization.


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